A Stab In The Back Nigerian Movie Download tells the story of BEN(KACHI NNOCHIRI), a single father with a very beautiful daughter SOPHY(UCHECHI TREASURE OKONKWO) and he is married to HILDA(DORIS IFEKA) and this makes Hilda SOPHYs step daughter and surprisingly they share a strong bond one will think she is her biological mum.. Hilda out of her kindness helps a stranger AMY(OGECHUKWU ANASOR) and employs her as a maid in her home little did she know her husband is having an active affair with Amy and Amy wants to take charge of her home but her step daughter SOPHY will not let that happen!! Enjoy the bond between mother and daughter. starring UCHECHI TREASURE OKONKWO,DORIS IFEKA IFEOMA,KACHI NNOCHIRI,OGECHUKWU ANASOR..
Source: https://ift.tt/nXfxmGk